Small Business Ideas

Small Business Advertising Ideas for Online Marketing

An organized small business person understands the importance of harnessing effective advertising practices for online promotions. Below we have listed several small business advertising ideas designed specifically for online promotion and marketing. I’ve pulled these tips from the Break Through Advertising by Eugene Schwartz. Video…
Digital ad platforms

Pros and Cons of Major Digital Ad Networks

Ad networks are one of the main channels companies use to increase reach. That said, with so many different ad networks available, it can be tough understanding what benefits each has to offer and which one will work the most in your favor. While there are…
Shopify logo

Five Marketing Q&A’s For Shopify Storeowners

Today, we answered marketing questions for another blog in hopes to be featured. Many of those questions were centered around Shopify. Here are five of those questions (mostly focused on marketing and sales) that you might find interesting. Also see "How To Improve Cart Abandonment…
Email Marketing Tips
Blog Business

Tips for Crafting a Great Email

Despite social networks like Facebook and Twitter, email marketing is usually the centerpiece of encouraging action from new and current customers for many small businesses. The Radicati Group estimates that each business person receives an average of 122 emails each day, a rate that is…