Pitfalls of using Shopify
Blog Business

5 Major Pitfalls of Shopify

First and foremost, I want to clearly state for the record that our company is a firm proponent of the e-commerce platform, Shopify. We utlize the platform for two stores and our web development sister company, IDM Print, strongly recommends it to prospective clients searching…
Google Penguin Funny Image
Blog Business

Dealing With Google’s Penguin Penalty

This is not something I enjoy talking about especially as a prior SEO provider and current online business owner. Like most people, I'm embarrassed and ashamed of some of my past poor decisions but none were more grave for our company than this: Google's algorithm…

Web Marketing Tips (Part 4 – Blogging)

Everyone has a blog these days and its for good reason. Blogs allow you to constantly grow your website and are great for attracting new AND repeat traffic. You absolutely must embrace your blog. If you don't have the time to blog, then pass on…
SEO Tips

Web Marketing Tips (Part 3 – SEO)

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) should be play an essential role in any real web promotion strategy. However, don't go overboard with it. The major search engines are quite sophisticated and use numerous methods of determining ranking scores. However, if you don't optimize, the search engines…
Web promotion tips: Code

Web Marketing Tips (Part 2 – The Website)

In Web Marketing Tips Part 1 - Domain, I identified concerns with the domain name and hosting. Before going into more specific web promotion strategies, we should outline a few general rules and practices for the overall search engine friendliness of your website. GENERAL WEBSITE…
Domain name in address bar

Web Marketing Tips (Part 1 – Domains)

Like many small businesses, we market ourselves and heavily rely on sales originating from search engines. As a search engine services provider, I have learned to implement specific strategies that have always worked well for me through the years. These skills have been one of…