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Top 5 Reasons People Love and Hate Shopify

Shopify is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms in the world, known for its ease of use and comprehensive features that cater to businesses of all sizes. However, like any platform, it has its ardent supporters and vocal detractors. Understanding the reasons behind this…
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Five Marketing Q&A’s For Shopify Storeowners

Today, we answered marketing questions for another blog in hopes to be featured. Many of those questions were centered around Shopify. Here are five of those questions (mostly focused on marketing and sales) that you might find interesting. Also see "How To Improve Cart Abandonment…
Shopify POS System

The Real Scoop on Shopify POS [Review]

There are many reviews out there that compare Shopify's POS to other systems like Square. I personally own and operate two Shopify stores. One of them, Flashback Gear, relies on Shopify's complete POS system since it is a traditional brick and mortar store and an…
How to recover from Panda and Penguin
Blog Business

How to Overcome A Google Algorithm Penalty

Google has been very busy updating algorithms to reward high-quality websites over spammy websites and blackhat SEO. The Penguin, Panda and "Mobile-geddon" algorithm shifts have been the most notorious as of late, and ever since 2013, it seemed that we were a victim experiencing incredibly…