Sharon Stone with her art

Why You Need a .ART Domain

You Know Why You Need a Website

It doesn’t matter what career path you’ve taken or your age: nothing should hold you back from reinventing yourself if you have a passion for art. Taking the leap into the art world means considering how to present yourself and your work professionally, and the best way to do this is by creating your own website.

You could upload your work to platforms like Behance, Etsy, or Instagram. But doing that means you’re at the mercy of how these platforms present your work and when it appears in your followers’ feeds.

With your own website, you have total control over your digital presence. It looks professional and makes it easier for curators, potential buyers, and fans to find you and learn more about your work.

Why You Need a .ART Domain

When setting up your website, securing a .ART domain is highly recommended, just like the artists we’ve mentioned.

Why? For one, a .ART domain instantly communicates that your website is dedicated to your art. A URL such as,,,, or leaves no room for confusion about the site’s focus.

Moreover, a .ART domain offers a unique, personalized, and memorable online space that reflects your artistic identity. It’s more than just a web address; it’s an entry point into a supportive community that fosters creativity, collaboration, and growth. By choosing .ART, you’ll have access to features like media platform promotions, monthly live webinars, and more.

Get a .ART Domain Today!

Whether you’re an experienced artist looking to reinvent yourself or a newcomer eager to unlock your creative potential, get inspired by the 250,000+ community of .ART users. This community includes artists like Marina Abramovic, El Anatsui, and Sophia Wallace; brands like Porsche and Mercedes; and art institutions like The Institute of Contemporary Arts, Stern Pissarro Gallery, and Dia Art Foundation.

Embrace the transformative power of art, and secure your .ART domain, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Establish your unique digital identity in artistic pursuits and become part of a vibrant community that celebrates and nurtures artistic expression.