
How Video Marketing Can Help New Entrepreneurs Grow

Businesses are increasingly turning to video marketing. The media provides easy-to-find content to visitors and can deliver more information than any single image. When you use videos to promote your business, you may stand out from the crowd and gain a solid return on your investment.…
Business Meeting

Business Tips For New Entrepreneurs

I have learned so much as a small business owner for the last twenty years of my life and compiled my own business tips for new entrepreneurs. Along the way, I've uncovered many lessons the hard way and others the not-so-hard way. Many small business…
Online Reviews

How Do You Respond to Bad Reviews?

Receiving a negative online review for your small business can be absolutely heartbreaking and, in many cases, feel like the end of the world. Properly handling bad reviews is key to running a successful online business. How Do You Respond to Bad Reviews? Here is…