Cute Baby Yoda Art
Art Blog

Cute Baby Yoda Artwork, These Are.

Disney+'s The Mandalorian restored my faith in a galaxy far far away. Director and writer, John Favreau, brings back the magic in a way the last two trilogies could not. Streaming is the future for the Star Wars franchise unless clueless executives can employ a…
Blog Printing

How to Arrange Pages When Printing Booklets

Print companies like us usually produce booklets with the Saddle-Stitch binding method. This arrangement uses printed sheets folded together then stapled through the fold line with wire staples. The staples pass through the folded crease from the outside and clinch between the centermost pages. The…
Shipping delivery person holding box
Blog Business

Interesting Shipping Statistics to Think About.

Shipping is a significant concern for small retailers, large enterprises, and consumers (yes, this is stating the obvious). We have written a variety of articles in the past about shipping, including our own experiences and strategies. Today, we received a "State of Shipping" report from…
Joker movie poster
Art Blog

Artwork capturing Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker

Although critics felt mixed about Todd Phillip's dark and controversial Joker movie, the audience seems to uncomfortably appreciate witnessing a fictional character's descent into madness. I thought Joaquin Phoenix's portrayal of the most notorious villain in comic book fiction as intriguing and entertaining. Many fan…