1. Flyers are typically paper handouts that are intended for mass distribution. As digital technology has entered the commercial printing market, flyers have become more useful than ever.
2. Flyers are also referred to as leaflets, handouts, letterhead, postcards, pamphlets, fliers, circulars and handbills.
3. Smaller sized flyers, like 4×3, may be more effective as handouts and cost half the price. They are easier to hold and may fit in pockets.
4. When mailed, large sized flyers have a greater chance of catching a consumer’s attention.
5. Some “flyers” may actually be referred as postcards by some print companies.
6. Most printers require a “trim” or “bleed” area when printing edge-to-edge. Check with your print provider for proper measurements of bleed area. Some print companies simply stretch artwork while others strictly require users to conform before printing occurs.
7. Flyers are typically printed using CMYK. This is a four color model used to provide full color printing that also describes the process of combining Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key (usually black). Many users and designers typically use RGB, but converting to CMYK before submitting graphics to printer will greatly improve color accuracy.
8. Some print companies offer a matte text paper stock for 8.5×11 flyers. This option can be an alternative way of buying business stationery at lower prices.
9. Flyers, as a group, includes a wide range of paper sizes up to 11×17. They originally started out with sizes DL (slip), A4 (letter), A5 (half-size) and A6 (postcard).
10. There are two different spellings for flyers. Flyers and Fliers. Both versions are correct, but “flyers” seems to be the most popular and recognizable version.
11. Custom flyers can be an alternative and very affordable way to sell art prints. Rather than looking for “prints” try searching for companies that provide low runs of flyer printing. This can save consumers considerable; however, it is important to utilize reputable company using proper technologies and medias.
12. Some online printers consider “club flyers” as postcards. Others use both terms for the same product. Club flyers are essentially 4×6 postcards but can be include almost any sized paper or card that is easy to hand out.
13. Be sure to compare prices of flyers and brochures at different print companies. Sometimes, despite using the same paper choices and sizes, companies often consider the two products very different and implement separate price strategies. For instance, you may be able to get a folded flyer cheaper than a brochure or vice versa.
14. In the commercial printing world, small orders of 1-1000 are often provided using digital printing and 2000+ quantities are typically provide using offset printing. Traditional offset companies are beginning to adopt digital technologies while some companies are focusing strictly on digital printing. When purchasing custom flyers, quantity and print style can make a huge difference in pricing.
15. Some counties, cities and jurisdictions have restrictions on how and where flyers can be distributed. Be sure to check your local area’s ordinances before handing out or printing flyers.