Honestly, I’ve never been a huge fan of Template Monster (TemplateMonster.com) but recently the website has been redesigned and the company has double downed with responsive designs. TemplateMonster’s main drawback for me has always been the dated designs, but it seems that is changing. Pleasantly surprised, I discovered many new website templates for designers and photographers that are rather contemporary, and rather nice looking, from a design and coding perspective.
Photographer Portfolio
Created by Sawyer, this first gray scale 100% responsive design for photographers was refreshing to me. It’s a bold, clean and interesting interface that any artist should appreciate. Editing this template requires Adobe Photoshop CS+ and Adobe Dreamweaver (or anyone with extensive HTML knowledge).
Photo Studio
This photo-centric, and exceptionally responsive, website template for photo studios of any size has a nice gallery section, contact page with map, blog page and a killer “about us” section. Another major feature to this design created by Cowboy is the usage of Bootstrap, a sleek and powerful framework for front-end design.
Photographer Portfolio
This portfolio based template struts social networking and a cute navigation menu. I also appreciate the clean contact form, easy-to-use gallery page and multi-column internal page layouts. Like the other templates, this design includes PSD and HTML files easily edited with Photoshop and Dreamweaver.
Design Studio
A bold, contemporary and simple layout (also by Cowboy), this design takes advantages of HTML5 features and includes an attractive home page and gallery page. The other internal pages are less creative, but overall, the template is quite nice.
Individual Photographer
Solo photographers will find this particular responsive template versatile in nature as it harnesses many essential components. Some nice elements include a well-organized home page, important call-to-action and pleasant gallery section. This HTML5 template embraces Jquery, a cross browser JavaScript library designed to clean up client-side scripting.
TemplateMonster.com has made drastic improvements to its offerings and is worth revisiting if you’ve counted them out like I once did. I still think ThemeForest is a much better destination for templates, but as we’ve proven, TemplateMonster’s growing inventory hosts a variety of nice designs especially suited to photographers and studios.