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Top 5 Reasons People Love and Hate Shopify

Shopify is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms in the world, known for its ease of use and comprehensive features that cater to businesses of all sizes. However, like any platform, it has its ardent supporters and vocal detractors. Understanding the reasons behind this dichotomy is crucial for anyone considering Shopify for their online store. On the one hand, Shopify’s user-friendly interface, extensive e-commerce tools, scalability, robust support system, and multi-channel integration make it a favorite among many entrepreneurs. On the other hand, its cost, limited customization options without coding, transaction fees, content management limitations, and potential vendor lock-in pose significant challenges that frustrate users. This balance of pros and cons illustrates why Shopify inspires both love and hate among its users.

Top 5 Reasons to Love Shopify

Ease of Use

Shopify is renowned for its user-friendly interface. It’s designed to be accessible for beginners with little technical expertise, allowing users to quickly set up and manage their online stores. The drag-and-drop builder and numerous customizable templates simplify the process.

My take: The clear, easy-to-use interface was a primary reason our print company selected Shopify.

Comprehensive E-commerce Features

Shopify offers a wide range of essential e-commerce features, including secure payment gateways, inventory management, SEO tools, and mobile optimization. Its app store further extends functionality, allowing users to add specific features to suit their business needs. With these features, you can rest assured that your online store is in safe hands, giving you the peace of mind to focus on growing your business.

My take: This is why we picked Shopify as our e-commerce website years ago.

Reliable and Scalable

Shopify is a hosted platform that handles server maintenance, security, and updates. This reliability is crucial for businesses as they grow, ensuring their online store can scale without issues.

My take: We built our first e-commerce website long ago but faced many obstacles with scaling that disappeared once we moved to Shopify.

Support and Community

Shopify provides 24/7 customer support through various channels, including live chat, email, and phone, and fosters a robust community of users and experts. This community shares advice, tips, and support through forums and social media, creating a sense of connection and belonging. With Shopify, you’re a user and part of a supportive network.

My take: The Shopify support is not great, in my opinion, and I often need to search Google or ChatGPT for the custom solutions or answers we need. This process can sometimes be cumbersome.

Multi-Channel Integration

Shopify allows seamless integration with multiple sales channels, including social media platforms (like Facebook and Instagram), online marketplaces (like Amazon and eBay), and physical retail (through Shopify POS). This integration helps businesses reach a broader audience and manage sales from one central dashboard.

My take: Integrations are key to any store, but other e-commerce solutions offer the same thing. With Shopify, we rely on integrations with Instagram to enhance customer experience. Facebook, Amazon, eBay, and TikTok interactions are probably key to other store owners.

Top 5 Reasons to Hate Shopify


While Shopify offers various pricing plans, some users find it expensive, especially when factoring in transaction fees and the costs of additional apps. This can significantly burden small businesses or startups with tight budgets.

My take: Shopify is expensive once you add the third-party apps you need to make your store handle transactions, website aesthetics, and marketing. For us, it is worth it. If you do not want to use Shopify’s payment gateway, I do not see why you would move to Shopify and incur the extra fees.

Limited Customization Without Coding

Shopify’s templates, while customizable, can be a source of frustration for users without coding knowledge. Those seeking highly specific designs or functionality may find these limitations particularly challenging, potentially necessitating the hiring of a developer.

My take: Thank GOD I am well-versed in HTML and CSS. My entry-level programming knowledge allows me to make most of the customizations I want.

Transaction Fees

The platform imposes additional transaction fees instead of standard payment gateway fees unless Shopify Payments is used. This can be a financial strain, particularly for businesses with high sales volumes, making it less attractive than other platforms with lower or no transaction fees.

My take: Yes, if you want to use your own gateways outside of Shopify payments, it makes no sense to use Shopify. The fees would be too high.

Content Management

Shopify’s CMS is less flexible than WordPress platforms. Managing a large amount of content, such as blog posts or custom pages, can be cumbersome, which may not be ideal for content-heavy websites.

My take: Shopify’s blogging system is as basic as it gets. We use a separate subdomain to work our blog using WordPress. I also like using a separate system for our blogging just in case we ever intend to leave Shopify (which is unlikely but possible).

Lock-In with Proprietary Platform

Because Shopify is a hosted, proprietary platform, migrating away from it can be challenging. Businesses that want to switch to another platform may face difficulties transferring their store data, customizations, and apps, leading to concerns about vendor lock-in.

My take: If we ever decide to leave Shopify, I am not looking forward to the obstacles and difficulties of transferring customer and product information.


Shopify stands out as a leading e-commerce platform due to its user-friendly interface, extensive feature set, reliability, and strong support network. These attributes make it an attractive choice for many online businesses seeking an efficient and scalable solution. However, the platform’s costs, customization limitations, transaction fees, content management challenges, and concerns about vendor lock-in highlight significant drawbacks that potential users must consider. Whether Shopify is the right choice depends on individual business needs and priorities, balancing its impressive strengths against the potential hurdles it presents.