How many tickets have you thrown away after attending an event, play or concert? Sometimes we save a few special ones along the way, but these memorabilia pieces are often designed by a creative individual dedicated to heighten the overall enjoyment of the event experience. Often times, this hard work is overlooked by millions of people yet artists still take great pride creating wonderful custom event tickets.


Smell Museum Tickets

The Smell Museum is a unique museum focusing on one sense – smell. The museum establishes and documents exhibitions exploring all aspects relating to the subject of smell. Shijia Gu in New York upgraded the museums custom ticket designs along with other print materials.

Museum ticket designs


NY Knicks 2013 Playoff Tickets

For the NY Knicks 2013 Playoffs, Art Director J Freeman Robinson from Long Island created different custom event ticket designs for each game.

NY Knicks Ticket designs


ODEON Optic Cinema Ticket

One marketing company’s survey revealed that 80% of cinema users ​found cinema tickets hard to read in the dark while searching for their seats. These optical tickets are printed on acetate, allowing light to pass through the transparent material. These custom event tickets can also be used interactively via QR code.

ODEON Optic Cinema Tickets


A Design Film Festival Singapore

A Design Film Festival Singapore commonly explores new directions for creating custom event tickets including this version back in 2011.

A Design Film Festival 2011 Event Tickets


1st Class Tickets

This ticket set by Martyna Wędzicka separates yet unifies different travel options and methods that could be implemented by any transportation service.

1st class ticket designs


Fluid Sound Art Festival Tickets

FLUID celebrates the diverse methods of sound art and sound theory through engaging events including concerts, immerse presentations and exhibitions featuring imaginative musicians, composers, sound designers and media artists in a sense-specific feast for the ears. Paul Hatch and Shillington College student designed tickets along with other print media.

Fluid Sound Art Festical tickets

Windfest Tickets

According to designer Lilly Li in Toronto, the below tickets for Windfest match up when placed together creating an interactive experience. Windfest, held annually at Woodbine Beach, is a creative and multicultural kite festival for children and parents.

Windfest Tickets



One great resource for creative inspiration concerning print materials is Behance (, a platform for showcasing and discovering photography, graphic design, illustration, and fashion. A product of New York-based company Behance Inc. which has also created other services meant to support creative careers.

PrintKEG offers ticket and bookmark printing.